I'm sorry to hear of how the system is abusing children.

Especially, as a Catholic, hearing that they force girls to take birth control--against their conscience--enrages me. It reminds me of what Western NGOs/charities will do when "helping" in African countries, telling folks in need that they can have some food, shelter, clothing and so on...but here, you are having too many children and that's a problem--please be more "responsible" by taking pills that wreck your body. Why? Because "we know best." Eugenics, indeed. Social eugenics, I call it. Not only discriminating against race and ethnicity, but against class. How dare you be poor and beget more poor people! Of course, contraception being peddled this way is largely just a foot in the door to gear up to have abortions on demand as well. We absolutely live in what St. John Paul II called a "culture of death." But I believe that prayer can break down barriers to help bring a culture of life to light up this present darkness.

It seems that despite the grief and tears, you were trying to share some light with those who were in darkness. God reward you for your efforts and grant you healing and the graces necessary to move forward. Sometimes comfort or ostensible consolation does not come immediately while we tread this valley of tears; yet even in our suffering, we can take heart in knowing that we serve the "God of all comfort," whose grace working in us will give us the consolation we need rather than what we want to feel in order to be soothed (II Cor i. 3). Our trials are instructive and will prepare us for the next step that God has Himself prepared for us to take. May His peace be with you--take care!

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Thanks brother!

Take some comfort in knowing I went ahead and got her OFF birth control, and reminded her often that this meant she had to follow the rest of her faith as well. I pray for her daily, I'm sure she would love it if you prayed for her too!

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Bless you for that. And I will pray for her. May God bless and keep her, guiding her into the vocation He has called her to serve Him in.

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It's just as artificial to bring food and medicine and other subsidies from far away continents to primitive populations. Abortion and birth control goes with the whole thing together, nobody is going to feed these people and let them massively reproduce at levels which are unsustainable for their own existence.

Life is a series of very hard choices.

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"Today I have made the very hard choice to genocide you all. Oh but MY family is going to keep reproducing"

Yes I'm sure they're very noble motivations.

By the way: there's plenty of farmland and food. World is a big place. What we don't have is free trade. But the solution is human abortion and castration? Sure thing.

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The first openly nazi-level eugenicist I ever met was a social worker working to ostensibly help mentally retarded adults. Theyre treated at once like slaves and at once like princelings. I try not to think about my time in that industry, because it makes me so angry. At least in group homes for mentally retarded adults they employ a lot of normal poor people at wages that are impossible for anyone to actually live on, so the lowest levels of direct care there are a lot of really good people. Above that though, it is bad as a rule rather than an exception. I wanted to foster once I got married and we were expecting our first, but I met the director of the agency in Chittenden county where I live and she struck me as a clear and present danger to everyone around her, it would take to long for me to put my finger on and then express exactly why, but suffice it to say I only extremely rarely meet people who give me the heebie-jeebies to that degree. I didnt want her anywhere near my other kids. I’m willing to deal with such people, but not when it threatens my other children. Once my kids are grown I guess, or if we move perhaps.

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There's a social worker in my city who takes kids away to give them back the next day, just to keep her reunification rate at one hundred percent.

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Also a reunification rate of 100% sounds fishy as hell. Would think thatd be a massive red flag for her overseers

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Right?? Like, plenty of parents don't do the work to earn reunification because their brains have been hijacked by addiction... always returning the child means you're just doing nothing except causing disruption for no reason.

A few Christmases ago, some investigation was conducted and a ton of CPS people resigned. It was very hush hush. My brother-in-law at the city police department couldn't even find out what they were up to.

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Sounds like someone that belongs in prison or dead.

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Holy crap! These two quotes will stick with me the most:

"The goal of foster care is reunification. The goal of social work is ending the family line;" and

"I’ve heard them explicitly state during mandated trainings, they depend on Christians too much in order to have any foster homes at all, so they prevent Christians from passing down their values by making sure they get the little kids."

That is awful... We adopted from a private agency and never went through the foster system. Even from the limited experience with that agency, there are certain attitudes we picked up on that align with what you are describing. The actual kids never seem to be the priorities, despite the slogans...

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I started following your channel on minds because I was really interested in hearing how things were going with the fostering, I'm really in awe of you both for trying so hard and I sure feel angry that the system is set up to fail these young humans. God bless you both

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I've definitely failed the foster kids many times, myself. I still plan on publishing articles on the subject if it interests you. Thanks for reading!

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Thank you for sharing your story! I’m so glad I got out of social work before my social work career even started. I was going to grad school for my MSW and quit. The school claimed to be a conservative Christian denomination but was liberal as could be. I realized I would be fighting the liberal agenda my entire career. I also struggled during role playing scenarios and ultimately didn’t want such an emotionally heavy job

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Glad you could see what they were trying to do to you! I can handle the emotionally heavy stuff but not the white man's burden stuff.

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May the Lord bless you and keep you and the children you attempted to help. May this vile system be torn apart and the demonic beliefs be eradicated and may it be replaced with real help and real care for these kids.

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What a brave, good little boy your son is. This whole article was striking and terrifying, but your son's reaction to losing his big sister was incredible. Brave and sad, but that also tells me that you're doing it right.

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Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. Former foster parent here of 5 long-term and numerous short-term placements. We ended up adopting 3 of ours who had nowhere else to go. We also left because we felt like we were fighting the system as much as fighting the abuse and neglect that brought the kids into care in the first place. After one particularly awful 2+ year battle to keep a medically fragile toddler out of a dangerous home we found ourselves exhausted. We have have been torn and heartbroken since then: we know the need for vulnerable kids but at this point collar with the foster care system feels like participation in their added traumatization.

Thank you for sharing your experience so honestly, and may God bless your family.

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It's nice to know other people feel the same way! I definitely don't regret meeting all those kids I met, but in the future, when they complain that there aren't enough foster homes, I can tell them with absolute conviction that THEY are the reason.

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How apropos the child's doll face down in the active rain puddle, it speaks volumes

You are such a lovely person Hanna Rose to take the Biblical position and become a voice to speak for those little ones unable to speak for themselves.

What about those tiny human beings, 100s of millions, that none ever deserved to die - but they did, in the horrible action of abortion - otherwise deceptively known as "women's health" and "women's rights", but in the end they were all just stoopid stooges.

That is the real holocaust....

Yes, it's so unfortunate that the whole broken system revolves around filthy money - and control, that it's beyond pathetic.

And these CPS workers, doesn't matter if the children experience death at a relatively young age like a Downs Syndrome girl did with an effed up black family who attempted to cover it up in S. Carolina or the two homo perverts who also were allowed to adopt a couple of very young but mentally slow boys and subjected them to repeated rapes and sodomy for years before law enforcement got involved and finally put these two monsters away for life in Georgia recently. These 2 children are screwed up for life.

How many more millions of innocent abandoned kids are subject to such abuse while the CPS social workers (engineers) get off scot free because they all seem to be covered under some sort of "immunity clause" ? ALL of them.😡

What an ongoing scam, to "save the children" b.s.! The various political flavors and arguments are always 'about the children ' when it's really never…

I could rant on and on, but you did a far better job at detailing all that is failed with this present system of foster care Hanna Rose. Because your intentions and actions were indeed noble, you are head and shoulders above the rest of us. Thank you for this sordid expose.

God in Jesus bless you dear lady, and each of your family!

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I’m sorry to hear you’ve been going through this!

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Hannah, the broken corrupt system reflects only the ineptitude of the bureaucrats that run it.

You have made a difference and shown your charges that there is goodness and light in a world fraught with evil.

Your impact on these souls must not be discounted because others participate in evil.

Take care.

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I'm so sorry you had to go through this. My husband and I married too late to have children of our own but while I would love to give a home to a child in need, we can't afford to adopt and I know we'd never survive the foster care system. We are both way too outspoken to ever be able to get along with social workers. My brother and his wife looked into doing it through the Methodist church system years ago and they both came out of the training saying nope, no way - not when you were told you could not even give the kid a Tylenol for a toothache without the social worker's permission.

Its truly a screwed up system all the way around.

I won't even volunteer for Big Brothers/Big Sisters these days. Anything like that has the same sort of mentality - the good people who really just want to help are treated like they are villains out to exploit the kids, and the true monsters get away with terrible things. Such a twisted, upside down world we live in!

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That stinks!!

If you are still wanting to adopt, I will say that adopting through foster care is VERY easy. Sometimes the fees are small and sometimes they're waived altogether. There are teens in the system who are really nice kids and just want to be wanted. Just do it if you feel called to do it. I once asked God to fill my heart with love for a placement if I was supposed to take her, and I physically felt it happen in that moment.

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I also always dreamed of being a foster parent. Fortunately, last year I had an older woman of faith who did it for years AND adopted two sons out of the system reveal the truth for me and realize it is at least not something I can do while I have children in the home. Maybe when my children are grown and move out we will reconsider. It is absolutely heartbreaking.

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I was pregnant with a three-year-old when we started. We got lots of teen girls who weren't much of a danger even to themselves. It is doable but it's exhausting, just one foster kid is going to have to be the center of your attention.

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Yes she had three girls and only fostered kids younger than them so she wasn’t speaking so much to the danger, just the amount of attention it demands - especially because of the bureaucratic hoops you have to jump through.

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I hope you find a good alternative and can still adopt.

Yoyr reasons seem beyond reasonable.

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Stay sober, no pills!

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Heavy. I’m sorry. I don’t really have any words.

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